17 Simple Tricks to Make Your Life Easier
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17:34 2018-03-19

Just when you start thinking that there are no life hacks you don’t know about, you see another list of new and helpful tips!

We have collected a list of useful things that you should know.

17. Fresh fruit

Fruits in a vase will stay fresh for a longer time if you put a lemon next to them.

16. Space for onions and potatoes

Onions and potatoes don’t like the light, so put these vegetables in folders and keep them in the kitchen wardrobe.

15. House aid kit

Sort your medicine so that it’s easier to find it when you need it. Group it by cold medication, gastrointestinal tract pills, painkillers, and so on.

Put these groups into different containers and don’t forget to put a separate box or a drawer for a first aid kit.

14. Great way to keep your bras

Several hangers will help you create a great place for your bras.

13. Clear the carpets from fur

A window scraper will help you remove the fur from your carpet.

12. Container for cables

CD cases are great places for keeping different cables.

11. Great way to transport clothes when moving from one place to another

Use trash bags for transporting clothes. They will make things much easier.

10. How to find a hole in a tire:

If you can’t find a hole in a tire, put some air into it, take it off and put some foam on it. You will see bubbles on the punctured spot.

9. Box for moving

Boxes with things are much easier to carry if you make holes for your hands in them.

8. Hanger for glasses

In the summertime, glasses often get left around all over the place and there is a risk of dropping them, scratching them, or even breaking them. But this is almost impossible if you organize the storage in this unusual way.

7. Silent drawers

If you have drawers that are very noisy, try putting a little bit of hot glue on the top of the internal side of the drawer.

6. Photo frame To Do List

A photo frame and beautiful paper for the background is all you need for your To Do List

5. Goal made of PVC pipes

You can make your own goal post out of PVC pipes and a net.

4. Cleaning an iron frying pan

You can clean an old iron frying pan with the help of salt, oil, and potatoes.

3. Pool instead of a playpen for children

Use an inflatable pool to create a safe place for a baby to play.

2. How to stop potatoes from sprouting:

To stop potatoes from sprouting, put an apple into the sack.

1. How to keep apples fresh:

If you cut an apple, it will go yellow because of the iron in the apple which creates a chemical reaction with oxygen. Use a rubber band to keep them together and take them anywhere you want. In this case, the oxygen won’t react with the iron.
