In September 1928, the Science and Invention editorial staff offered their readers a chance to find all the scientific mistakes on their magazine cover. There were 48 mistakes and if you found all of them, you would win $500. Unfortunately, we can’t offer you any money, but we can give you a chance to feel like a real scientist. You could be the first person to find all the mistakes, because there is still no full answer to this riddle on the internet.
Try and solve a 90-year-old riddle. Prepare yourself for something hard!
The authors of the riddle claimed that there are mistakes from all scientific fields, for example: astronomy, meteorology, hydraulics, optics, and physics. Take a close look at all parts of the illustration and ask yourself: how logical are they?
If you want to check your guesses right away, tap the photo above.
- The shadows of people and objects are different.
- The wind doesn’t blow the cigarette smoke.
- The lightning doesn’t come from a cloud.
- The lightning should have hit the highest object — the tip of the other tower.
- Power lines are not connected to anything.
- The sundial doesn’t work correctly.
- The houses in the background are too different in size: the house on the right is too big and the one on the left is too small. The scale is wrong.
- The sign says that New York is west but the weather vane points to east.
- You can see the spot where the rainbow touches the water.
- The moon should be on the other side.
- The sun doesn’t rise in the north.
- The corners of the earth on the weather vane are mixed.
- The man sitting under the umbrella doesn’t have a chair.
- The dog walks in a strange way.
- There is no reflection of the sun on the water.
- The color sequence of the rainbow is wrong.
- There is no trace of rain even though there is a rainbow.
- The fountain water falls directly down. It’s impossible.
- The wind doesn’t influence the water in the fountain.
- The exhaust pipe is on the front of the car.
This list doesn’t include all the mistakes. Can you find the rest?