Why simply eating more slowly could help you lose weight
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05:05 2018-02-14

It’s often said that small changes can make a big difference to your weight over time, and now new research has identified three eating habits that could contribute to weight loss.

And one of them is particularly simple to follow: just try and eat a little more slowly…

After looking at data from 60,000 people with diabetes, scientists from Japan have concluded that slow eating speed is associated with a lower BMI and a smaller waist circumference.

In the study, which has been published in the the journal BMJ Open, participants were given regular health checks over a period of five years, and quizzed about their lifestyles and eating habits, including the speed at which they ate.

After comparing this information with their vital stats, the scientists concluded that slow eaters tended to be healthier than those who characterised their eating speed as fast or normal.

The results showed that the slow eaters were 42% less likely to be obese compared to those who sped through their plate, while those who ate at a ‘normal’ speed had a 29% lower likelihood of obesity.

Meanwhile, larger waist circumference was also linked to fast eating.

Other eating habits that the team identified as being linked to lower rates of obesity included cutting out after-dinner snacks and not eating within two hours of going to bed, although skipping breakfast was not seen to have an effect.

While this was just an observational study, meaning no conclusions can be drawn about cause and effect, eating quickly has previously been linked to issues with insulin resistance and glucose tolerance, both of which can affect weight.

The team have hypothesised that it may take longer for fast eaters to feel full, which could increase their calorie intake.

They concluded in a release: ‘Changes in eating habits can affect obesity, BMI, and waist circumference.

‘Interventions aimed at reducing eating speed may be effective in preventing obesity and lowering the associated health risks.’

Either way, we reckon it’s worth making an effort to savour your meals from now on!


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