7 non-dairy foods you didn’t know contain calcium
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21:10 2018-02-11

Veganuary may have come to an end, but the number of people choosing to cut all animal produce (including dairy) from their diets is on the up.

Indeed, recent research suggests that the number of vegans in the UK jumped from 150,000 to 542,000 in just 10 years – an increase that shows no sign of slowing down. Simultaneously, sales of plant-based milks have also rocketed.

But is there a downside to cutting dairy from your diet? Speaking to The Daily Star last month, Harley Street nutritionist Rhiannon Lambert said:

‘Those who follow poorly planned plant-based diets are at risk of certain nutrient deficiencies. Vegans need to make a conscious effort to consume foods that will replace nutrients that will have been lost through cutting certain foods. For example, cutting out dairy may result in low calcium intake which will ultimately lead to increased risk of [conditions such as] osteoporosis.’

However, there’s no reason you can’t maintain a diet that is low in diary but rich in calcium. Here, Frida Harju-Westman, nutritionist at the health app Lifesum, comments on the vegan-friendly foods you didn’t know contain calcium.


Unbeknown to many, oranges contain high levels of calcium. Eating just one orange has over 70 milligrams of calcium, ensuring that you receive 6% of your calcium intake for the day, as well as a great boost of vitamin C, in just one snack.


Figs are another fruit which contain high levels of calcium. While also containing significant amounts of antioxidants and fibre, eating approximately five dried figs per day can provide you with around 135mg of calcium, which goes a long way in helping you to achieve the required daily intake.


Broccoli is a ‘super-veg’ if ever there was one; not only is it jam-packed with essential nutrients including vitamins A-K and minerals such as magnesium, zinc, and phosphorous, but it also contains exceptionally high levels of calcium, which is easily absorbed by the body.


Nuts aren’t the first thing people think of when they think about calcium-rich foods, however many nuts contain a significant amount of calcium. Almonds in particular, are a great snack to help increase your calcium intake and are also one of the few proteins that are alkaline forming, which helps to give you better immune function and energy.

White beans

White beans are not only rich in protein, iron and fibre, they are a great source of calcium, containing on average, approximately 175mg of calcium per serving. If you don’t fancy having white beans or want to introduce some variety, you can try winged beans or navy beans, both of which also provide plenty of calcium.

Leafy greens

Leafy greens such as kale contain zero fat, are extremely low in calories, and have high levels of calcium. I recommend adding kale to your evening meal or making homemade kale chips for a healthy snack. Spinach is another great source of calcium, so try to add raw leaves to your salad or boil and have with scrambles eggs at breakfast.
