Want to lose weight? Get your partner to go on a diet
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03:43 2018-02-03

If you’re hoping to shed some excess weight, then it might be worth paying attention to your partner’s diet, at least according to new research.

After tracking the weight of 130 couples over six months, researchers at the University of Connecticut found that your other half’s weight really does impact your own…

The team from University of Connecticut, whose research was funded by Weight Watchers, found that, when one partner committed to losing weight, their other half would lose weight as well, even though they weren’t actively trying to.

In the experiment, couples were divided into two groups: in the first group, one member of each couple was enrolled in a structured, six-month diet plan that involved online tools and counselling to assist weight loss.

In the second, one partner from each couple was given a handout on healthy eating, exercise and weight-control strategies.

The results, which were published in the journal Obesity, showed that a third of partners who weren’t actively dieting managed to lose three per cent or more of their body weight during the six months.

Speaking about the findings in a release, study leader Professor Amy Gorin called this phenomenon a ‘ripple effect’.

‘When one person changes their behaviour, the people around them change,’ she said.

‘Whether the patient works with their healthcare provider, joins a community-based, lifestyle approach like Weight Watchers, or tries to lose weight on their own, their new healthy behaviours can benefit others in their lives.’

Dr Gorin added: ‘How we change our eating and exercise habits can affect others in both positive and negative ways.

‘On the positive side, spouses might emulate their partner’s behaviours and join them in counting calories, weighing themselves more often, and eating lower-fat foods.’


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