How understanding your strengths can get you a better job this year
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23:16 2018-01-26

It might sound straightforward but it’s surprising how when we’re at a career crossroads, we forget to breathe, take a step back and think about what will really make sure we get the best job possible for us.

It can be really daunting to have uncertainty around your career.

It doesn’t matter how old you are, what stage of your career you’re at or what you think you should be doing with your life, if you just know and feel like you’re in the wrong path, that’s fine. You don’t have to stay put.

So, what’s the best way to moving on and finding something which suits you better? It might sound simple but it all comes down to knowing your strengths.

This is the basis of a new book:The Strengths Book by Sally Bibb, the founding director of a company called Engaging Minds which works with people in all walks of life, from businesses to prisons to hospitals, on getting them to recognise their strengths in order to bring out the best in themselves.

‘People think we have to be different to be better but really we are who we are by the time we’re in our mid teens and people don’t change all that much,’ she tells ELLE UK.

‘The strength thing is all about understanding what you’re naturally good at, what energises you and what motivates you.

‘It’s going with the grain of who you are rather than trying to be something you’re not.’

So, how do we work out what we’re good at?

Well for starters, we most probably know but maybe we’re just too shy, insecure or modest to say it out loud to ourselves and to actually realise that these traits can be really special.

‘Most people when you point out a strength to them go: “Oh, well isn’t everybody like that?” People take themselves for granted,’ Bibb says.

People are also often reluctant to talk about their strengths, especially women, who might have grown up thinking that by being open and proud of their talents, they’re showing off or being perceived as a diva, self-absorbed or bossy.

‘Women can be a lot more modest. The number of times people, especially women, have said to me: “If I talk about my strengths I feel like I’m showing off'”, Bibb explains. ‘We tell them: “If you don’t own your strengths and talk about them, you actually aren’t being of service to yourself or other people”.’

Bibb’s book comes with interactive exercises to assess your strengths, she’s also recommended some tips to help you figure out where your strengths lie before you start considering jobs:

  • Ask yourself what you did in the last few weeks that you really loved. Anything that gave you a buzz and energised you? Something you love doing, that’s at the top of your to-do list and gives you a lot of satisfaction. This will most likely be a strength.
  • On the other hand, ask yourself what you did recently that drained you. Anything you put off or that stays at the bottom of your to do list, this might show you along the lines of what might not necessarily be your natural strengths.
  • Think about what you’ve always been drawn to. Friends and families can often help with this, Bibb says, as you can often see certain characteristics quite young in children. Did you always like winning? Because that could mean you’re competitive and a job in sales or sports could suit you, for example.
  • Go back to your school report. Was there any comments about your curiosity, problem-solving, enthusiasm for learning etc? Did it say you ‘always love writing stories’ or ‘helping out others’?
  • What feels natural to you? Something that just comes easily and doesn’t require a great deal of gearing yourself up for beforehand. For example, striking up conversations with strangers or logistically fixing things? Things you just do and don’t really think about.
  • Ask other people what they see as your strengths. Your friends, family and colleagues might see something much clearer about yourself than you can.
  • What are you doing when you feel you are being the most real version of yourself? Again, something that comes naturally and feels like you’re not pretending. This could be helping others, solving problems or organising things.

Getting a better job also doesn’t mean one that seems to be higher up the ‘career ladder’ because you think that’s the way everyone has to do it, Bibb says.

She uses the example of ‘brilliant nurses’ she has worked with who then get promoted to a managerial positions and are suddenly using a completely different set of skills. They may not enjoy this role as much, even if it is a promotion, because their strengths were lent more naturally to be being a nurse and taking care of people. It can actually be a relief to figure this out and then adjust your career goals, Bibb says in her book.

There are benefits to finding out your strengths whether you want to change career path or stay in the same one, Bibb explains.

‘If you find out your strengths, it can suddenly open up a whole new world of different jobs… at the same time If you know your strengths you come into work every day with that inner confidence. You don’t get better by focusing on your weaknesses, you get better by knowing your strengths.’

So there we go.

Everyone has strengths but as humans, we tend to focus on our weaknesses and the negatives. If you’re unhappy in your job, confused about which way to go next or even job-seeking but unsure what to apply for, use the above work out what you’re good at and believe in yourself. Then figure out what job or careers require the set of skills that are your strengths.

As Bibb puts it, ‘It’s common sense but not really common practice.’

So why not make it your practice?
