16 Beautiful Sculptures From All Over the World Made for Mothers With Love
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06:21 2018-01-22

Nagasaki University in Japan conducted research that showed children can react to their mother’s mood when she is watching a movie while they are still in the womb. This is more proof that we are strongly connected to our mothers from the very beginning of our lives.

We has collected sculptures and monuments from all over the world that are dedicated to the dearest people in our lives.

Mother with son

St. George, USA

Mother and her children

Salt Lake City, USA

Mother playing with her daughter

Salt Lake City, USA

Mother Teresa and a child

North Carolina, USA

Mother’s support is the strongest.


Important moments with Mother

American Fork, Utah, USA

Mother’s hug is the best thing in the world.

Salt Lake City, USA

Welcome home!

Virginia, USA

First steps

Saint Petersburgh, Russia

Eternal connection

Sorrento, Italy

Mother with son

Skopje, Macedonia

Young mother reading to her children

Unknown location

Let’s fly!

Utah, USA

Beloved hands

Salt Lake City, USA

A mother’s kiss

Beijing, China
