5 health reasons to put your smartphone down in 2018
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04:06 2018-01-03

The average person touches their smartphone more than 2,000 times a day, despite research showing that it’s not actually that good for our mental or physical health. If you’re beginning to find yourself absent-mindedly scrolling in detriment to other aspects of your life, then it’s time to take a step back and re-think your phone habits.

Here, we chat with Maths Mathisen, CEO and co-founder of Hold – an app that promotes ‘offline time’ among students – about the five very valid reasons to put down your smartphone in 2018.

1. It improves productivity

Everybody procrastinates from time to time, and it seems that – more often than not – smartphones are to blame, with numerous studies showing the negative effect of smartphones on productivity.

“A 2017 study by the University of Texas, found that smartphones have a ‘brain drain’ effect, as they can affect intelligence and attention span, just by being on the participant’s desk. Similarly, the University of California Irvine found that if we get distracted from a task by a mobile phone notification, it takes us an average of 23 minutes and 15 seconds to fully regain our focus. All of which suggests that smartphones, while fundamental to day-to-day life, are detrimental when it comes to being productive.”

2. It leads to better conversations

Of course, smartphones are essential for helping us stay in touch, especially with friends and family who might be far away, meaning that a phone call or text message can be invaluable.

“However, if you are meeting friends for a coffee, or having a family dinner, a mobile phone can actually reduce the quality of your conversation. A study by the Virginia Tech University found that even the presence of a smartphone can have a negative impact on one-on-one conversation, as it provides a constant distraction.”

3. It makes for healthier relationships

If you ever find that your significant other is on the phone, even when they are meant to be enjoying a nice evening with you, they might be ‘pphubbing’ (partner phone snubbing) you.

“This term was coined during a study by Baylor University, which found that out of the surveyed adults, 46% were being ‘pphubbed’ by their partner. It is a good idea to make it a rule not to have your phone on the table when the two of you are having dinner, and you might find that you enjoy each other’s company a lot more.”

4. It gives your memory a boost

Many of us might find ourselves working on something and just wanting a short break, so we reach for our smartphones and begin to scroll through social media…

“However, refreshing your newsfeed and browsing Instagram is actually proven to impact your memory. Scientists at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden found that as we browse social media, the brain becomes overwhelmed with information, which makes it harder to keep track of things that you are meant to remember.”

5. It helps you sleep

Anyone who has spent some time browsing our sleep collection will know that any sort of screen time before bed can negatively impact your sleep, and it seems that phones are particularly bad for this.

“It is well-documented that the light from your mobile phone increases the amount of time it takes for you to fall asleep every night. However, a study by Murdoch University in Perth found that late-night text message and browsing could also reduce the quality of sleep, resulting in depressive moods and even lower levels of self-esteem.”


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