6 tips to get children to sleep on Christmas Eve
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02:02 2017-12-23

Christmas is nearly here. Lots of fun, food and family time but also a lot less sleep than usual for both adults and children. Christmas Eve is especially magical for little ones, but sometimes the excitement can be too much and so bedtime can actually become a little stressful.

Warren Evans bed makers and their sleep expert, Dave Gibson, have put these top six tips together to help children fall asleep on Christmas Eve and maintain a good routine over the festive period.

  1. Limit sugar intake on Christmas Eve and set a curfew amongst yourselves, informing relatives and friends that may be staying or visiting, so they don’t offer sweets at 7pm or later.
  2. If children are going to be sharing a room with others over the festive period, which they are not used to doing or have not done before, aim to have a practice run beforehand so the novelty factor does not impact as much.
  3. Agree a plan amongst adults in the household as to what happens in the run up to bedtime on Christmas Eve. Having a plan will create the sense of calm that is needed to induce sleep. Talk to your children about this plan in the run up, e.g. ‘We’ll go to the carol service and when we get back it’s time to put out Santa’s tray and then bath before reading “Night Before Christmas and then sleep.” This means they know what is coming which will hopefully aid a positive acceptance of bedtime.
  4. Set a device deadline for at least one hour before bedtime (including TV). This goes for adults too – and try to take this forward into 2017.
  5. Keep a balance between indoor and outdoor activity, aiming to get outside in the morning sunshine and quieting down as darkness descends. This all helps aid a healthy sleep routine.
  6. Another great way of creating a peaceful bedtime for your children is by practising meditation with them. It will calm and relax their mind and body and it is also a lovely way of spending some quality and connective time with your children.
