If You Can Solve This Puzzle, You Might Just Be Qualified to Be an Astronaut
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01:06 2017-12-06

What do you want to be when you grow up? Once a child hits kindergarten, the answer to this question starts to become a bit more reasonable. Sure, at age 3, little Jimmy wanted to be a dinosaur when he grew up, but by age 5, Jimmy realizes how preposterous this career path would be. After all, dinosaur graduate school is entirely too cost prohibitive nowadays.

Beginning in the latter half of the 20th century, more and more kids aspired to reach for the stars, stating firmly that when they grew up, they would be an astronaut. And there might just be a way to test the viability of this claim, courtesy of British astronaut Tim Peake. Peake posted a puzzle pulled straight from his astronaut selection test to his Facebook page—can you figure it out?

Here's a weekend brain teaser, featured in my #AskAnAstronaut book, straight from my astronaut selection test… they get harder!!!

Posted by Tim Peake on Samstag, 21. Oktober 2017

Since he originally posted the puzzle on October 21, the brain-buster has been shared nearly a thousand times and has been responded to well over two thousand times. Although the instructions may appear to be pretty vague, there is a correct answer; in the paraphrased words of Maxine Nightingale, the dot ends up right back where it started from, on the bottom.
