10 drinks to help you sleep like a baby
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09:05 2017-11-04

You’re probably more familiar with hops as a flavoring in the beer making process. But beer is not the only thing hops is good for! Hops tea, which you can find in many natural and health food stores, is a great stress reliever. It helps calm your nerves and relax your body, making it the perfect drink right before bed time!

Recent studies have shown that drinking a glass of cherry juice in the morning and another in the evening can help you get an extra hour of sleep! Why? Because cherries are rich in melatonine, the sleep hormone. So what are you waiting for?

We tend to think of coconut water as being a stimulating, energizing drink. But it’s actually your best friend when it comes to getting a good night’s sleep! High in magnesium and great for rehydrating, refreshing coconut water will have you dreaming of exotic beaches before you know it!

Ovomaltine is a malt-based powder that’s commonly consumed for breakfast. However, thanks to its high magnesium content, it’s the perfect drink right before going to bed! Mixed with warm milk, the magnesium in ovomaltine will help you relax and get a good night’s sleep.

A banana smoothie is a great drink to sip on before going to bed. Filling and soothing, it’s delicious and easy to make. For a super healthy and satisfying banana smoothie, simply blend half of a ripe banana with 1 tablespoon of almond butter, 1/2 cup of soy or almond milk and blend until smooth.

Lemon balm, also known as Melissa or balm mint, is a great stress-buster. This herb is part of the same family as mint and is known to help fight insomnia and promote sleep.
To make a delicious herbal tea, start by washing and drying about 10 lemon balm leaves. Add them to a teapot and top with boiling water, then let steep for about 5 minutes. Sweeten with honey and drink hot.

Green tea is one of the oldest teas in the world. Decaffeinated green tea contains theanine, a known stress reducer and sleep improver. Just be sure to choose the decaffeinated kind, otherwise you’re in for a sleepless night!

Valerian is well known for being a strong sedative. But did you know that it can also help relieve pain? If you enjoy drinking valerian tea, be sure to take the occasional break because too much of it can actually become addictive!

Chamomile tea is a classic sleep aid. Not only does it promote sleepiness, but it also helps calm an upset tummy. When making chamomile tea, be sure to steep the chamomile leaves for at least 10 minutes before drinking.

We all know that warm milk can work wonders when you’re having a hard time getting to sleep. Add a teaspoon of honey and before you know it, sweet dreams will follow! Good night!
