Who Has Better Posture? Cute Kittens Posing As Sexy Pin-Up Girls
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03:16 2017-10-17

The famous pin-up girls are really seductive, sexy and sensual and they represent a different kind of femininity that for the time they represent it means excellence of the women’s body and sex appeal. There are people making jokes on the famine seductive posing, but when they are compared with a cats’ posing than that is hilariously funny.
There is a blog “Cats That Look Like Pinup Girls”, maybe you have heard about it, that is making a super fun images comparing the women’s seductiveness with some random cats’ poses. The blog is actually featuring the cats posing as Pin-up girls. The idea of the blog is simple and for fun: The author of the blog, Rachel Asle uploads photographs of the gorgeous pin-up girls and compares with cute kittens standing in the same poses. From what can we see from the pictures bellow, we must be honest, the cats are really great models! See the amazing comparisons and enjoy the view:

Source: WorldInsidePictures