7 Things People Who Lose Weight Do Every Day
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09:10 2017-10-10

Big changes can be made from small but smart habits – this includes weight loss! The American Institute for Cancer Research recently shared its best tips for healthy weight loss, and we couldn’t agree with them more. In fact, we’ve seen dozens of success stories of people who have implemented these tips and habits. Here’s how they work and how you can apply them to your life.

1. Set Small Goals
Set small goals for yourself daily that you know are achievable and within reach. Whether it’s “add one more minute to my exercise time” or “make one healthy recipe today,” one small positive action begets another.

2. Eat Veggies
Instead of denying yourself the foods you love, focus on replacing some with nutritious, healthful foods. Veggies are low in calories yet will keep you full.

3. Move
It’s no secret that more movement leads to more weight-loss success. Regular physical activity [is] a key component when trying to maintain or lose weight. And movement doesn’t necessarily mean gym time.

If you’re ready for more than walking and hoping to build muscle tone and get strong, too, start experimenting with different types of exercise.

4. Practice Portion Control
This daily habit takes some consciousness and mindfulness when it comes to eating. If you dial in your portions, you could shed some serious weight. Recent studies suggest that several strategies using portion awareness can all result in meaningful weight loss over a year’s time.

Slow down, be conscious of how much you’re eating, put your fork down in between bites, and don’t let your eyes be bigger than your stomach!

5. Don’t Drink Calories
Is your vice sugary soda or alcohol? Time to cut ties. Sugary soda and alcohol both add extra calories without beneficial nutrients. For each sugary drink that you swap out for water or another zero-calorie choice, you’ll save 100 to 300 calories. Plus, alcohol by itself is linked to increased risk for several cancers, including breast and colorectal.
Try swapping in as much water as possible, as staying hydrated can also help you feel satiated.

6. Snack Better
People who lose weight don’t have to cut out snacks, they just snack smarter. Celebrity personal trainer Chase Weber credits healthy snacks as a way to prevent sugar binges, saying, “if you get into a routine of reaching for these options, you’ll avoid the pitfalls of sugary snacks [and] deceptive ‘nutrition’ shakes.”

Follow Kara’s lead (remember all her veggies throughout the day?): snack on veggies and hummus or even an apple with peanut butter. These healthier snacks (with a good balance of healthy fats and protein) will keep you from making poorer food choices.

7. Balance Cardio With Weight Training
A mix of cardio with resistance and weight training is the most effective way to lose weight with exercise. The AICR said, “working strength training into your schedule a few times a week can help you build muscle and burn calories. It’s a great way to mix up your fitness routine and prevent injuries.”

Speaking of mixing it up, a well-rounded fitness routine was the key to weight-loss success for Sarah and Caitlin. In fact, many of the women (and men) we spoke with credited a varied exercise schedule for their shed pounds. Brittany Dawn noted that “things clicked for me when I got into weightlifting” – and she lost 50 pounds.
