38 Simple Ideas For Taking Care of Yourself When You Need It Most
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23:05 2017-10-01

The best way to be able to care for others is to start with caring for yourself. Self-care is essential to your mental health and wellness, and taking time to listen to what you need and address it doesn’t make you selfish, it makes you strong. Some days, getting out of bed is a feat. Sometimes anxiety and depression can be crippling. Sometimes something terrible happens that you have little or no control over, but it rocks you to your core. In these moments, or hours, or days, you should take measures to care for yourself — mind, body, and heart. Everyone is unique, so their version of self-care can of course differ, but here are some general tips for taking the time you need to heal.

  1. Take time to identify the activities and actions that make you feel good.
  2. Find somewhere quiet and meditate as needed.
  3. Reread one of your favorite books.
  4. Avoid triggers.
  5. Watch shows that are funny or comforting.
  6. Take time to yourself, away from others.
  7. Get a full night’s sleep regularly.
  8. Check in with yourself.
  9. Put on fresh, comfortable clothing.
  10. Light a candle and fill your home with your favorite scent.
  11. Take a hot bath.
  12. Visit your favorite spot in the city you live in.
  13. Don’t feel guilty turning down invitations or canceling plans.
  14. Take a day off of work if you need to.
  15. Write down a list of things you are thankful for.
  16. Remind yourself that this too shall pass.
  17. Read inspiring quotes.
  18. Spend time outside.
  19. Listen to your favorite band or song on repeat.
  20. Ask for help if you need it.
  21. Do not force yourself to do anything you don’t want to do.
  22. Eat a balanced diet, but treat yourself to your favorite guilty pleasure.
  23. Write down what you’re thinking and feeling.
  24. Breathe in and out.
  25. Unplug from social media.
  26. Exercise.
  27. Listen to a calming playlist.
  28. Pet an animal.
  29. Do yoga.
  30. Turn off your phone for a day.
  31. Splurge a little.
  32. Schedule an appointment with a therapist.
  33. Watch your favorite movie or TV show from childhood.
  34. Take a nap.
  35. Do something that inspires and motivates you.
  36. Make future plans for a trip or event you’re excited about.
  37. Spend time with a close friend or family member.
  38. Remember that self-care is not optional, it’s essential.

Source: Popsugar