Making assumptions on how much sex someone is having by just looking at them is generally frowned upon – but what if it’s scientifically backed?
A new study from Nipissing University in Canada has found that you can predict details of someone’s sex life simply by looking at their face.
The researchers looked at the face width to height ratio of 145 male and female participants who were in romantic relationships.
They then looked at the correlation between the shape of someone’s face and their sex life.
Researchers found that both sexes with a rounder, wider face had a higher sex drive and had more sex compared to those with a longer, narrower face.
This is because of variations in hormone levels during developmental periods like puberty which can affect your face shape and sexual desires.
The researchers also did a follow up study wherein they asked 314 participants about sexual orientation, casual sex and infidelity.
Men with rounder faces were found to be more easy-going when it came to casual sex and would consider being more unfaithful to their partners.
Square faced men are perceived as, “more aggressive, more dominant, more unethical and more attractive as short-term sexual partners than their thinner and longer-faced counterparts”.
Study author Steven Arnocky said: “Together, these findings suggest that facial characteristics might convey important information about human sexual motivations.”
Source: BestLife