Get Your Heart Pumping With This 7-Minute Circuit From Kayla Itsines
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21:01 2017-09-08

Personal trainer and fitness influencer Kayla Itsines is known for transforming the bodies of her clients and followers through her Beach Body Guide program. (For proof, see all the before-and-after pics on her Instagram page.) She uses quick, high-intensity workouts that usually feature body-weight or lightweight strength moves, and she combines them with heart-pumping cardio that lead to full-body results. Give her program a try by starting with this seven-minute workout she developed specifically for Health, which she demos in the video above.

You can do this workout anywhere and keep going over seven minutes if you want a longer workout. All you’ll need are some dumbbells; a yoga mat is optional. Get ready to sweat!

Give her program a try by starting with this seven-minute workout she developed specifically for Health, or on the SWEAT app, which has more workouts by Kayla, yogi Sjana Elise, and trainer extraordinaire Kelsey Wells).

First move: Bicep curl and shoulder press (12 reps)

Grab two dumbbells. Curl them up, squeezing your biceps and not swinging the weights high. Then press them overhead, keeping your arms in line with your shoulders, back straight. Lower and repeat for 12 reps.

Second move: Goblet reverse lunge (20 reps)

Grab a kettlebell, holding it in front of your chest with both hands. Lunge backward so that your front knee is bent at 90 degrees. Make sure your front knee does not go over your front toe. Alternate legs for 20 reps.

Third move: Lay down snap jump (10 reps)

Lie on your mat (or the floor) stomach-down, hands and arms outstretched in front of you. Bring your hands in under your shoulders, and push up to a high plank position. Jump your feet up to your hands, then back to plank position, lower to the ground, and stretch your arms back out. Repeat 10 times.

Continue this circuit for seven minutes. Your heart will be pumping and your muscles will be challenged. It’s a perfect workout when you’re short on time and space, and you can use other household objects for weights if you don’t have dumbbells or kettlebells.