Health expert reveals what sugar really does to your body
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12:34 2017-09-06

The recommended daily intake of sugar is just 30g, but the average person in the UK is gorging on a whopping 58.8g a day.

Eating too much sugar has long been associated with the growing obesity epidemic, but there are plenty of other worrying side effects that you might not be aware of.

From damaging your brain to ageing your skin, the white stuff has some shocking affects on the body.

Excessive consumption can intensify depression and anxiety by causing energy spikes followed by crashes, as well as messing with the neurotransmitters that help regulate our mood.

And gorging on sugar can increases issues with blood glucose and can lead to kidney damage or type-two diabetes. And then of course there is the affect sugar has on the teeth.

Head of Dental Policy at Simplyhealth, Dr Henry Clover, said: “Every time we have something sugary to eat or drink, bacteria in our mouths feed on this sugar and produce harmful acids, which can cause tooth decay.

“It then takes our saliva around an hour to neutralise these acids and return our mouths to normal. This means the more times a day you expose your teeth to sugar, the more you increase your chances of tooth decay.”


But a worrying survey, by Simplyhealth, revealed that people in the UK would rather give up sex and Facebook for a whole year, than go a single day without sugar.

When it comes to sugar consumption, 36% of people worry about tooth loss, as well as gum disease (22%) and bad breath (19%). And while many Brits have tried to cut out sugar, few have managed to stick to it.

“This research suggests that many people find going ‘cold turkey’ on sugar particularly difficult because the sudden change in lifestyle can cause mood swings, problems concentrating or low energy levels,” Dr Henry added.

“By gradually decreasing our sugar intake we are dramatically reducing the risk of oral health problems,” he said.


So, what is the best way to quit sugar for good?

1. Cut sugar out slowly

Don’t go cold turkey, just gradually cut down on sugary snack and drinks until you’ve eliminated them entirely.

2. Eat fruit

If you’re craving something sweet trying eating some fruit first. The natal sugar might help curb your cravings and fruit is packed with vitamins and fibre.

3. Eat more often

Eat more healthy food. You are less likely to crave something sweet if you are full up.

4. Take vitamins

Take a good quality multivitamin and mineral supplement, including omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin D3

5. Incorporate good protein and good fats into every meal

It keeps you full for longer and leaves you feeling satisfied. It also controls your blood glucose levels.

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