Six healthy reasons to drink more beer
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02:20 2017-09-02

1. Beer increases bone density

Various studies have shown that beer has an increased silicon content. This helps to connect muscle and bone tissue to each other and increase bone density. Dark beer in particular, with its high hop content, has a lot of silicon. So moderate consumption of dark beer can certainly help prevent osteoporosis.

2. Beer lowers the risk of heart attack

According to Harvard University, more than 100 studies have found that beer consumption can reduce the risk of heart attack by up to 40%. So if you want to do your heart some good, treat yourself to a nice, cold beer with dinner every now and then.

3. Beer lowers your cholesterol level

Scientists have found that beer consumption contributes to increasing the proportion of healthy HDL cholesterol in the body. Two beers a day can have a positive effect on cholesterol levels.

4. Beer decreases your risk of getting diabetes

In comparative studies, a relationship between moderate alcohol consumption and a lower risk of type 2 diabetes was found. American researchers found that those who drank between one and four 10 oz beers per day had a lower risk of becoming diabetic.

5. Beer can prevent kidney stones

You wouldn’t wish kidney stones on your worst enemy. Fortunately, this study found that people who drink a bottle of beer a day were 40% less likely to get kidney stones.

6. Beer protects from dementia

Of course, it sounds strange at first: using alcohol to combat dementia! Anyone who has ever had a blackout is probably now shaking his or her head in disbelief. But the xanthohumol found in beer can actually help to prevent oxidative stress. This is one of the factors that promotes dementia in old age. Therefore, beer (of course in moderation) can actually help reduce the effects of aging on the brain.

Source: healthhacks