This is how to get rid of a cold sore fast
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00:08 2018-02-19

If you suffer from cold sores, you’ll probably go as far as saying that they’re the absolute bane of your existence.

The initial telltale tingling that leads to blistering, itching, stinging, cracking and weeping is enough to put a downer on anyone’s week, and that’s before we’ve touched on how they look, not to mention the fact that they’re highly contagious…

But there’s no need to hide behind your scarf or bail on plans, because there are ways to keep them from rearing their ugly heads.

Soft, smooth lips, here we come.

What Causes A Cold Sore?

In order to keep them at bay, it pays to know exactly what cold sores are.

According to the NHS, cold sores are small fluid-filled blisters that can appear anywhere on the face. They are probably most common on the lips and usually crust over into a scab.

Not pretty. But what causes them?

‘Cold sores erupt when the normally dormant herpes virus is reawakened,’explains Dr. Marie-Louise Daly, Consultant Dermatologist at The Harley Street Dermatology Clinic.

A lot of people find that feeling run down, stressed and ill that can contribute to the unsightly blisters, but they aren’t the only factors.

‘Harsh environmental conditions such as extremes of temperature or wind can dehydrate and damage the lips,’ says Dr. Daly. ‘UV light has also been demonstrated to lead to reactivation of the virus from its dormant state.’

How To Prevent A Cold Sore

‘Well-hydrated lips are less likely to have fissures and cracks and therefore are more resilient to environmental factors that can exacerbate cold sores,’ explains Dr. Daly.

This means slathering on the lip balm, especially one that boasts an SPF to stop the sunshine from making things worse.

How To Get Rid Of Cold Sores

We hate to break it to you, but coldsores can’t actually be cured.

Once you’ve been exposed to the virus, it stays in the skin for life. Although cold sores usually clear up after ten days, there are proven ways to speed up the healing process.

Creams like Zovirax and Virasorb (both of which can be purchased over the counter in pharmacies) contain Aciclovir, an antiviral ingredient that inhibits the infection from spreading further. Be sure to dab it on gently as not to irritate the blister.

Cold sore patches, such as Compeed, are also brilliant at easing the pain of lip blisters and protecting against harsh weather, which can sometimes make sores more uncomfortable or dry and flaky. Nail perfect application the first time round by using a magnifying mirror.
