‘Once a cheater, always a cheater’ could actually be true: research
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05:49 2017-08-13

Admitting you were unfaithful in past relationships is a gamble. “Once a cheater, always a cheater” is a phrase that can damage your reputation for a long time, if you’re unlucky. According to some scientific research, there could actually be some fact behind the idiom.

A new study, published in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior, followed 484 participants in mixed gender romantic relationships. The researchers asked the participants to report their own “extra-dyadic sexual involvement” — having sexual relations with someone other than their partner — and also whether they had suspected their partners of infidelity in each romantic relationship they had been in.

The results showed that people who had messed around in their first relationship were three times more likely to cheat in their next relationship compared to those who had stayed faithful.

Those who knew that their previous partners had cheated on them were twice as likely to have their next partners do the dirty on them too. Suspicion also appeared to be hard to shake, as people who suspected their first relationship partners of cheating were four times more likely to report suspicion in later relationships.

Source: businessinsider.com