Tony Fadell: You should be ready for failures but not get used to them
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20:03 2017-11-20

The founder of Nest Labs and creator of iPod trademark Tony Fadell received Armenia’s 2017 Presidential Award for Global Contribution in the Field of Information Technology. While in Armenia he met with the young people and shared his vision of success.
Here are 10 key recommendations to the Armenian young people.

1. You should be open for the world and not be afraid of challenges. You must always seek cooperation ways. For implementing the initiative it is not necessary to reach the Silicone Valley. Trust your resources and trust yourself.

2. Nothing is ever smooth. You should be ready for failures but not get used to them. The best work comes through failures.

3. People are drawing borders on their own, they make up fears. You should make them go out from their borders, be free. If you want to succeed you must not be afraid of risks.

4. You should allow people face the danger. I do the same with my children. I let them face the danger to make them become stronger. This is the most important.

5. Before starting any initaitive you should look around. There are many issues today. We should find a key to help solve the issue. Find the issue, try to solve it. If you do not succeed, try again. You should not give up.

6. Education is the most important factor. If you believe in you and believe that the future is yours you will reach what you want by learning permanently.

7. Do not wait until the educational establsihments give you what you want. They will just give you the keys the rest is in your hands.

8. You can learn only through failures. Fail, find the mistake, correct it and try again. The experience is a very important thing. Even the books will not give you as much knowledge as you will get by contacting people and visiting museums.

9. We must not harm our planet. Even if you cannot help you should at least avoid harming it. The solutions we find and the technologies must be means to solve issues and not to harm.

10. If you do not learn anything or you do not move forward you will die. You should feel butterflies inside you as a person doing something. If you do not have them, it means you are not investing enough efforts. You should always make experiments, fail, try and move forward.
