Do not live with the past: Roman Abramovich gives 10 recommendations
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20:32 2017-11-14

Russian billionaire businessman Roman Abramovich gives 10 recommendations how to live right.

Do not make hasty conclusions
This habit can make life harder in two ways. First we think we know what will happen that and begin acting on the basis of assumption. People are not good predictors. The majority of their assumptions are wrong, consequently their actions are wrong too. The second is our habits. We think we can read minds. Again we are wrong. All this ruins relations.

Do not dramatize
Many people fan a flame from small failures and respond in catastrophic way. Why do they do so? Who knows? May be to look and feel more important and authoritative? In any case it is stupid and disastrous.

Do not come up with rules
The majority of all “you should” “you must” is useless. It only makes us nervous and makes us experience sense of guilt. Why? Following these made-up rules you fill your brain with unnecessary obstacles and childish orders. And when you are trying to transfer these rules on the others you become frightening dull whipping boy or confident fanatic.

Avoid stereotypes and labeling
The words you are using may frame you. Negative language and criticism gives birth to the same way of thinking. Trying to make things fit in certain categories you stop seeing their real meaning and limit thinking till full uselessness.

Do not be perfectionist
Life is not only “black and white” or “either everything or nothing”. In many cases “enough” is really enough. If you are seeking ideal job you will hardly find anything. At the same time all the other jobs will seem bad for you while in reality they are not so. Perfectionism is a mental illness which will not let you enjoy but will make you search for the things which do not exist.

Do not generalize
One-two failures are not a sign of permanent failure. Sudden triumph does not make you a genius. One event either good or bad is not a tendency.

Do not take it personally
The majority of people, even your friends and colleagues do not speak, think and take care about you all the time. People in your neighborhood do not know you and even do not want to. The rise and fall, warmth and indifference of other people do not have any relation to you.

Do not believe emotions
What you feel is not always what happens in reality. It does not mean that it is true just because you feel it. Sometimes the source of emotions may be tiredness, hunger, irritation or just cold. Whether you feel good or bad the future will not change. The feelings may be genuine but they are not the truth.

Do not fall to apathy
Try to be optimist. If you expect bad things in life and in work you will find them. Having negative mood is the same as looking on the world through distorting, dirty glasses. Start searching positive things and you will find them.

Do not live with the past
This is the most important recommendation. Forget and continue living. More evil, disappointment, misery and desperation come from the people who are clinging from old resentments and problems. The more you will think them over, the more terrible they will seem and the worse you will feel. Forget and continue living. Do that and do not allow the past harm you.
