Six things that will boost your erection – instantly
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02:10 2017-10-25

For some men, “getting it up” can be a loaded phrase.

Whether it’s erectile dysfunction, stress, a genetic issue, or anything else going on in that man’s life, problems with erections can make men feel depleted and can take a hit on their self esteem.

Yet, if there isn’t a medical issue hindering a man’s erection there are many everyday factors men can control to get a stronger erection.

Here are six changes to make to naturally boost an erection.

1. Take up cardio

Men who partake in regular aerobic exercise often have healthier blood vessels which can boost an erection.

However, skip the spin class every once in a while as endurance cyclists who spend a long time on their bike seats report more trouble with erectile dysfunction.

2. Quit your pack-a-day habit

Even if you’re not a regular smoker, smoking can cause heart damage and this can affect the penis.

In a study of over 28,000 smokers, Iranian researchers found 25% of men who quit the habit reported a improvement in their erections – while none of the men who continued to smoke did.

If you can’t quit cold-turkey, just one day off the smokes can clear your body of nicotine and help blood vessels to dilate more.

3. Relax

Stress can be one of the biggest reasons for lack of erection because of the hormone cortisol which can also lower sexual performance.

So take a vacation, staycation or just carve out some time to unwind and chill out.

4. Drink coffee a few times per day

A study from the University of Texas found men who drink two to three cups of coffee per day were less likely to have erectile dysfunction than men who didn’t.

It stated that coffee has properties similar to viagra.

5. Keep your pearlers clean

Men with periodontal disease – a gum disease caused by a build up of plaque – are two times more likely to have erectile dysfunction than men with healthier gums.

6. Eat specific foods

Berries, oranges, apples, pears and red wine are all known erection stimulants.

A UK study of over 25,000 men found those who are three servings or more of these foods per week were 19% less likely to develop erectile dysfunction.


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